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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vendor Spotlight: Who is the Knitting Nanny?

The Knitting Nanny

I enjoy networking and collaborating with other vendors and artists in the community. My most recent partnership is with The Knitting Nanny, Meredith Britcher Swaine. Meredith is based out of Orlando and her talents really shine through her knitting and sewing.

I sat down with Meredith to learn when she discovered her passion for knitting and what services The Knitting Nanny has to offer!

When did you discover your passion for knitting?

I got started knitting back in college. I was already crafting quite a bit; mostly general craft painting, mosaics, decorating my room, picture frames, etc. I was always looking for another creative outlet. And then an older friend of mine at the time showed me how to make very simple knitted slippers (a pattern I still use today because it is so simple!). By the time I got home, and was ready to make the second slipper to complete the pair, I forgot how to even get the stitches on the needle! I rushed to the computer and Googled how to "Cast On." You Tube ultimately saved the day! And that is how I gained the rest of my knowledge! I just started reading patterns and making items and when I came to a term I didn't understand, I would just research it. Thanks to my little sister, I have never run out of inspiration or a reason to knit. She is the best! She loves everything I make

What else do you enjoy creating aside from knitting?

Besides knitting, I also enjoy sewing (which I just got into), scrapbooking, card making, and general crafts. But knitting is definitely my favorite! I love walking by the Gap and saying to myself "I could so make that!"

Where do you get inspiration for your ideas?

I usually get my ideas from a site called It’s kind of like a Facebook for knitters. You have a profile and place to share patterns, resources, favorite stores, etc. There is a huge inventory of free patterns. I don't always use the pattern exactly as written. Most of the time, I combine 3 to 4 different patterns to achieve what I want. This usually comes in handy when making a sweater. I can combine the basic structure with cables or lace and get a completely different look. I also have this composition notebook that I carry with me. You know all those Sunday ads? Well, whenever I see a knitted item, I cut it out, paste it in my book, and write a note or two about what I love or don't love about it. I then use these clippings to help me with future ideas.

Some of The Knitting Nanny's creations:

What has been your favorite piece that you have made thus far? Have you received any fun requests?

My favorite piece thus far has actually been a set of pieces! My husband and I are huge Harry Potter fans! Once the Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened, and the premiere was fast approaching, I just knew I had to make us our own set. And then my little sister approached me, and she said she wanted to be a Hogwarts student for Halloween. I labored away for 3 months creating a student outfit for each of us. I learned so much from that project! I made my first vest, my first sweater, and my first pair of leggings and skirt! I think that is why it is my favorite! I learned so much!

The most fun request so far has been my latest project, the Mary Poppins costume for my little sister. She is participating in a living wax museum for her history class. I get to incorporate so many different pieces on this project. Can't wait to see how it all comes together! It should be done by the end of February.

I know there are tons of different types of yarns. Is there anything you prefer over another? Which ones do you typically use?

Yes there are many many many different kinds of yarn! Everything from wool to alpaca, and milk to soy! It can be overwhelming at times (along with my yarn stash!). But my absolute favorite is Red Heart Super Saver. You can find it at any craft store, it's cheap, versatile, and comes in so many colors and patterns! I tend to stay away from the really expensive yarns that can only be purchased online or from a local yarn shop. I don't like using that kind of yarn because by the time you make a sweater at $14/ball, it really adds up! And at that point, I usually tell myself, at that price, I could go buy a sweater already made! I reserve the nice yarns (and I do have quite a nice stash) for special items, like a shawl or wrap for a family member.

Once you have received an order, how long does it take you to complete it?

Once I have received an order, it can take anywhere from a day to several weeks to complete it. Scarves and sweaters take the longest, while hats and mitts take the shortest amount of time. The deciding factor? The complexity of the pattern. A simple scarf can actually knit up faster than a pair of cabled gauntlets (fingerless mitts). Needle size and yarn can also greatly affect the amount of time it takes to finish. On average, I would have to say that hats take less than a week (depending on how many other orders I have), scarves take 2-3, and sweaters can take up to a month.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions Meredith! I cannot wait to start incorporating The Knitting Nanny's creations into my photoshoots.

For more information on The Knitting Nanny or to request a piece, please visit her website The Knitting Nanny

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